
Management screen for Datasets

Using the Datasets screen, users are now able to manage daily RDFs for any Dataset in the system. On top of that, the Datasets provides to ability to associate a Metadata Defenition with a Dataset enabling tagging of services.

CAUTION Deleting a Daily RDF or entire Dataset is an irreversible operation

Deleting days in a Dataset

In order to remove certain days (or: Daily RDFs) from a Dataset, browse to the Data Pipelines > Datasets menu and select the Dataset from which you want to delete certain days.

Then click the red trashbin icon next to each day for which you want to remove its data:

Once each day has been set to delete, confirm your selection by clicking the Update button:

Deleting an entire Dataset

In order to d elete the entire Dataset the Delete button in the lift bottom corner can be used:

After confirmation the entire Dataset will be deleted from disk.

Associating Metadata to a Dataset

In order to use Metadata for Services, a Metadata Defenition needs to be associated to the corresponding Dataset. This can be achieved by opening the Data Pipelines > Datasets management screen, then selecting the Dataset for which you want to configure Metadata:

Afterwards make sure to click the Update button to ensure your changes are saved. Now it is possible to configure Metadata values for all the Services in this Dataset.

Last updated