
Exivity uses two main disk directories when it's installed. One to store the user data and one to store the software files. These directories are called the home and program directories, respectively.

On the system where Exivity is installed, the following environmental variables contain a absolute path reference to these directories: EXIVITY_HOME_DIRECTORY and EXIVITY_PROGRAM_DIRECTORY.

Home directory

The home directory should preferably be located on a dedicated volume i.e. D:\exivity\home and it is recommended that it be located on an SSD drive.

Program directory

The main program directory as it should be installed by the Exivity installer:

├─── bin                        Backend binaries
|    ├─── exivityd.exe
|    ├─── chronos.exe
|    ├─── horizon.exe
|    ├─── edify.exe
|    ├─── transcript.exe
|    └─── use.exe
├─── server                     Frontend / API dependencies
|    ├─── nginx
|    ├─── php
|    ├─── rabbitmq
|    ├─── pgsql
|    └─── redis
├─── web                        Compiled frontend repositories
|    ├─── glass
|    └─── proximity
├─── *.bat
└─── uninstall.exe

Last updated

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