
Daily RDFs

RDF stands for Reporting Database File. Exivity uses these to store usage data and configuration information.

A daily RDF stores the usage data from which Edify produces report data. Any given RDF contains a single DSET, along with internally managed metadata such as column types and prepared report data.

An RDF is created using the finish statement in a Transformer task. For any given DSET, there can be a single RDF per day, although there may be many RDF files per day in total (one RDF for each DSET).

RDFs are named according to the datadate and ID of the DSET they contain, and have a .rdf extension. For example a DSET with an ID of Azure.usage for the first day of the month will result in an RDF called 01_Azure.usage.rdf.

An RDF containing usage data is located at <home dir>/report/<yyyy>/<mm>/<dd>_<dset>.rdf where:

  • <yyyy> is the year of the datadate

  • <MM> is the month of the datadate

  • <dd> is the day of the datadate

  • <dset> is the DSET ID that was used to populate the usage data

The global database

The global database uses PostgreSQL (user data is stored at<home_dir>/system/pgdata) and contains system-wide configuration data including (but not necessarily limited to):

  • Service definitions

  • Service rate revisions

  • Service rate adjustments

  • Service categories

  • User accounts

  • Report definitions (and related metadata such as sychronisation timestamps)

  • Metadata about RDF files created by Transcript

  • Usergroups

  • Security settings

  • Account information

  • Job Schedules

The Global database should never be manually modified unless this process is performed by, or under the guidance of, Exivity support staff. It is critical to make a backup copy of this file before any changes are made.

Last updated

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