

The capitalise (the spelling capitalize is also supported) statement is used to modify the name of a column and/or the values in a column such that the first character is a capital letter and the remaining characters are lower case.


capitalise values|heading [and values|heading] in column|columnsColName1 [... ColNameN]


The heading and values keywords refer to the name of an existing column and the values in each row for that column respectively.

Only the first character in the column name or value is converted to upper case. If this character is not a letter, then the statement will have no effect on it. For example applying the statement:

capitalise heading in column _vmname

will have no effect on the column name as the first character is an underscore. However, applying the same statement to a column called _VMName would result in a new name of _vmname as after attempting to make the first character a capital (which in the case of the underscore has no effect), the remaining characters are converted to lower case.

Any number of column names may be specified, and any of these may or may not be fully qualified. When applied to values in a column, blank values are ignored.


capitalise heading in column servicegroup

capitalize heading and values in columns servicegroup Azure.usage.resourcepool chargeinterval

capitalise values in column Region

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