This article assumes a knowledge of services, their rates and related concepts as documented in Services in Exivity and in the article on the service statement
The services
statement is used to create or modify multiple services based on the data in a daily RDF.
{ param1 = value [ ... paramN = value] }
Parameters may be specified in any order. The '=' between parameters and their values is optional and may be omitted, but if present it must be surrounded by white-space
The services
statement is used to create or modify multiple services from the data in a daily RDF. The parameters supplied to the statement map columns in the usage data to attributes of the created services.
How column names are used
For many of the parameters to the services
statement there are two ways of using a column name:
The values in the column are extracted from the usage data and those values are embedded as literals into the service definition.
The column name itself is used in the service definition such that the reporting engine dynamically determines the values to use for any given day when generating report data
When creating or updating services using the first method, Transcript will create a new rate revision every time the rate information changes. For data sources such as Microsoft Azure where the rates can change daily this will result in a lot of rate revisions in the global database.
Using the second method requires only a single rate revision which identifies by name the column(s) containing rate and/or COGS information. When a report is run, the charge engine then obtains the correct rate information for any given day from the data in those named columns.
Parameter table
The parameters supported by the services
statement are summarised in the following table. The Type
column in the table indicates the way the column name is used as described in How column names are used above. Additional information about each parameter can be found below the summary table itself.
The name of the column from which units of consumption are derived
Determines how the usages_col and consumption_col values are used when interrogating the usage data to get the units of consumption
The name of the column containing units of consumption (AUTOMATIC services only - see below for more details)
Values in this column are used to distinguish between service instances
Values in this column determine the service description for each service definition
category or group
A specific category string to use for all service definitions
category_col or group_col
Values in this column determine the service category for each service definition
A specific charging interval to use for all service defintions
Values in this column determine the charging interval for each service definition
A specific proration setting to use for all service definitions
Values in this column determine the proration setting for each service definition
A specific charge model to use for all service definitions (may be peak
, average
, last_day
or day_xxx
, where xxx
is number in range 1-28)
Values in this column determine the charge_model for each service definition
A specific unit label to use for all service definitions
Values in this column determine the unit label for each service definition
Set the column name from which Edify will determine rate per unit at report time
Values in this column determine the rate per unit for each service definition
Set the column name from which Edify will determine the fixed price per charging interval for each service definition
Values in this column determine the fixed_price per charging interval for each service definition
Set the column name from which Edify will determine the COGS rate per unit for each service definition
Values in this column determine the COGS rate per unit for each service definition
Set the column name from which Edify will determine the fixed COGS price per charging interval for each service defnition
Values in this column determine the fixed COGS price per charging interval for each service definition
Values in this column determine the minimum commit for each service definition
Values in this column determine the effective date of the rate revision created for each service definition
A specific effective date to use in the rate revision created for each service definition
Parameter details
The usages_col
parameter is the name of a column containing service keys. A service will be created for each distinct value in this column, and these values will be used as the service keys.
In order to calculate the charges associated with a service it is necessary to know the number of units of that service that were consumed. Exivity supports two methods of retrieving the units of consumption from usage data and the service_type determines which of these is applied.
Any given service may use one or other of these methods, which are as follows:
Manual services:
service_type = MANUAL
Automatic services:
service_type = AUTOMATIC
Manual services
Manual services require that the units of consumption for each service named in the usages_col
column are stored in separate columns whose names correlate to the service keys themselves.
To illustrate this, consider the following fragment of usage data:
In this case, the service_name
column contains a list of service keys and for each of those service keys there is a corresponding column containing the units of consumption for that service. Thus in the above example we can see that there are two services, "Small VM" and "Large VM" and that the units of consumption for each of these services are in the columns of the same name.
The more manual services that are represented in the data, the more columns are required.
Automatic services
Automatic services require that the units of consumption for each service named in the usages_col
column are stored in the column named by the consumption_col
paramater. To represent the same information as that shown in the example above, the following would be used:
It can be seen that any number of automatic services, along with their consumption figures, can be represented using only two columns of data.
The consumption_col
parameter is only required when creating automatic services and determines the column containing the units of consumption for each service as described above.
It is not enough to know only the units of consumption for each service, as this merely provides the total consumption for each service across the entire usage. In the examples above, for example, the "Large VM" service has 10 units of consumption but using that information alone there is no way to know if this represents one instance of a VM used 10 times, 10 instances of VMs used once each, or something in between.
The instance_col
parameter is therefore required to tell the difference. Typically this will be a unique identifier which groups the units of consumption into 'buckets'. In the case of a VM this may be a VM ID which remains constant throughout the life of a VM in the cloud.
To illustrate this, we can supplement the example usage fragment used previously with additional information to use as the instance_col
as follows:
By specifying instance_col = vmid
we can now see that the usage represents:
5 instances of a single Small VM with an ID of 444
6 instances of a Large VM with an ID of 555
4 instances of a Large VM with an ID of 666
If specified, the description_col
denotes a column containing a friendly description for reports to identify the service with.
Typically in cloud usage data, services are identified using unique IDs (referred to as keys in Exivity) which are often non-meaningful to human eyes, so Exivity supports a 'friendly' description for each service for display purposes when generating a report.
For example description_col = description
may be used in conjunction with the following data to map the service_id
to a friendly name:
It is not mandatory to provide a description_col
parameter, but if one is not supplied then the description will be set to a duplicate of the service key (as derived via the usages_col
In the example above, it can be seen that there are multiple rows in the data for the same service key (vmid). When using description_col
, the first row for each distinct value in the usages_col
will be used to set the description.
By default Exivity will group services on reports according to their category. Using categories ensures that charges for services that fall within the same category wil appear in a contiguous block.
The category
parameter specifies the category to which all services created will be assigned, thus specifying category = "Virtual Machines"
might be appropriate for the example data used so far in this article.
If no category is specified, the services created will be assigned to a category called Default.
Usage data normally contains information about a range of services of different types such as Virtual Machines, Storage, Networking and so on. By referencing a column in the usage data which identifies the correct category for each service, multiple categories will be created and each service assigned to the correct category by the services
To illustrate this, let us extend the sample data as follows:
By specifying category_col = category
each service will now be associated with the correct category.
The interval
parameter is used to specify a literal interval for all the services created by the services
The interval
parameter may be any of:
If the interval
parameter is not specified, then a default interval of monthly will be used.
In the event that different services in the usages_col
require different charge intervals, a column name containing the interval to use may be specified using the interval_col
column as follows:
By specifying interval_col = interval
each service in the above usage data will be assigned the correct charge interval.
The model
parameter is used to enable proration for monthly services. Either of unprorated or prorated may be specified.
If no model is specified, then a value of unprorated will be used by default.
In the event that different services in the consumptions_col
require different proration settings, the model_col
parameter can be used to specify which column contains the proration setting for each service.
By specifying model_col = model
, each service in the above usage data will be assigned the correct proration model.
If specified as peak then the charge for any monthly services created will be calculated based on the day with the highest charge in the month.
If specified as average then the charge for any monthly services created will be calculated as the average unit price (for days that have usage only) multiplied by the average quantity (days with no usage will be treated as if they had a quantity of 0).
If specified as last_day then the charge for any monthly services created will be calculated based on the last day of the month.
If specified as day_xxx (where xxx is a number in 1-28 range) then the charge for any monthly services created will be calculated based on the specified day of the month.
In the event that different services in the consumptions_col
require different charge models, the charge_model_col
parameter can be used to specify which column contains the charge_model setting for each service. For the example data below charge_model_col
would be set to chargetype:
The unit_label
parameter is used by reports to provide a meaningful description of the units of consumption associated with a service. A virtual machine may have a unit label of Virtual Machines
, but storage-related services may have a unit label of Gb
for example.
If the unit_label
parameter is not specified then a default lavel of Units
will be used.
The unit label may be up to 63 characters in length. Longer values will be truncated.
In cases where the services contained in the usages_col
column collectively require more than one unit label, the unit_label_col
parameter can be used to identify a column in the usage data which contains an appropriate label for each service.
For example unit_label_col = label
can be used to associate an appropriate label using the data below:
The parameters rate_col
, set_rate_using
, fixed_price_col
, set_fixed_price_using
, cogs_col
, set_cogs_using
, fixed_cogs
and fixed_cogs_using
(all of which are detailed below) collectively determine the types of charge that will be associated with the service definitions created by the services
The rate_col
parameter is used to determine the column in the usage data which contains the unit rates for the service definitions created by the services
As each service definition is created, an initial rate revision is also created which contains the column named by the rate_col
parameter. When a report is run, for each day in the reporting range the unit rate for that day will be determined by whatever value is in the column named by the rate_col
parameter in the usage data.
This means that only a single rate revision is required, even if the actual value in the rate_col
column is different from day to day.
The set_rate_using
parameter is also used to determine the unit rate for each service. This differs from the rate_col
parameter in that the values in the column named by set_rate_using
are consulted when the service is created, and the literal values in that column are used to populate the initial rate revision.
This means that the unit cost is hard-coded into the rate revision and will apply indefinitely, or until such time as a new rate revision takes effect (see effective_date
for more details)
Either of rate_col
or set_rate_using
(but not both) may be used in a single services
The fixed_price_col
parameter is used to determine the column in the usage data which contains the fixed price associated with the service definitions created by the services
As each service definition is created, an initial rate revision is also created which contains the column named by the fixed_price_col
parameter. When a report is run, for each day in the reporting range the fixed price for that day will be determined by whatever value is in the column named by the fixed_price_col
parameter in the usage data.
If a monthly service has different fixed prices for different days in the month, then whichever results in the highest charge will be used.
This means that only a single rate revision is required, even if the actual value in the fixed_price_col
column is different from day to day.
The set_fixed_price_using
parameter is also used to determine the fixed price for each service. This differs from the fixed_price_col
parameter in that the values in the column named by set_fixed_price_using
are consulted when the service is created, and the literal values in that column are used to populate the initial rate revision.
This means that the fixed price is hard-coded into the rate revision and will apply indefinitely, or until such time as a new rate revision takes effect (see effective_date
for more details)
Either of fixed_price_col
or set_fixed_price_using
(but not both) may be used in a single services
The cogs_col
parameter is used to determine the column in the usage data which contains the COGS rate associated with the service definitions created by the services
As each service definition is created, an initial rate revision is also created which contains the column named by the cogs_col
parameter. When a report is run, for each day in the reporting range the COGS rate for that day will be determined by whatever value is in the column named by the cogs_col
parameter in the usage data.
If a monthly service has different COGS rates for different days in the month, then whichever results in the highest charge will be used.
This means that only a single rate revision is required, even if the actual value in the cogs_col
column is different from day to day.
The set_cogs_using
parameter is also used to determine the COGS rate for each service. This differs from the cogs_col
parameter in that the values in the column named by set_cogs_using
are consulted when the service is created, and the literal values in that column are used to populate the initial rate revision.
This means that the COGS rate is hard-coded into the rate revision and will apply indefinitely, or until such time as a new rate revision takes effect (see effective_date
for more details)
Either of cogs_col
or set_cogs_using
(but not both) may be used in a single services
The fixed_cogs_col
parameter is used to determine the column in the usage data which contains the fixed COGS price associated with the service definitions created by the services
As each service definition is created, an initial rate revision is also created which contains the column named by the fixed_cogs_col
parameter. When a report is run, for each day in the reporting range the fixed COGS price for that day will be determined by whatever value is in the column named by the fixed_cogs_col
parameter in the usage data.
If a monthly service has different fixed COGS prices for different days in the month, then whichever results in the highest charge will be used.
This means that only a single rate revision is required, even if the actual value in the fixed_cogs_col
column is different from day to day.
The set_fixed_cogs_using
parameter is also used to determine the fixed COGS price for each service. This differs from the fixed_cogs_col
parameter in that the values in the column named by set_fixed_cogs_using
are consulted when the service is created, and the literal values in that column are used to populate the initial rate revision.
This means that the fixed COGS price is hard-coded into the rate revision and will apply indefinitely, or until such time as a new rate revision takes effect (see effective_date
for more details)
Either of fixed_cogs_col
or set_fixed_cogs_using
(but not both) may be used in a single services
The set_min_commit_using
parameter is used to set the minimum commit value in the initial rate revision for each service.
The values in the column identified by set_min_commit_using
are extracted from the usage data and used as numeric literals in the revision.
When creating the initial rate revision for a service, the value specified by the effective_date
parameter is interpreted as a yyyyMMdd
value to determine the date from which the revision should be applied.
If the effective_date
parameter is omitted then the current data date will be used by default.
When using effective_date
, the value will be used to set the initial rate revision date for all the service definitions created by the services
statement. If different services require different effective dates then the effective_date_col
parameter may be used to determine the effective date for each service from a column in the usage data.
If there is a column in the usage data containing yyyyMMdd values representing the desired effective date for the initial revision of each service, The effective_date_col
parameter may be used to extract the values from this column and set the effective date for each service accordingly.
Either of effective_date
or effective_date_col
may be specified in a single services
statement, but not both
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