
The pause statement is used to suspend execution of a USE script for a specified time.




The delaytime parameter is the number of milliseconds to wait before continuing. A value of 0 is allowed, in which case no delay will occur.

The pause statement may be useful in cases where an external data source imposes some form of rate limiting on the number of queries that can be serviced in a given time-frame, or to slow down execution at critical points when debugging a long or complex script.


var first = ${ARG_1}
var last = ${ARG_2}
var last += 1
var x = ${first}

# Retrieve a number of files from http://server.local/?.dat where ? is a number
# Wait for 1 second between each file
loop slurp {
    var url = http://server.local/datafiles/${x}.dat
    set http_savefile data/${x}.png
    print Getting datafile ${x}
    http GET ${url}
    if (${HTTP_STATUS_CODE} == 200) {
        print 200 OK
    if (${HTTP_STATUS_CODE} == 404) {
        print Data file ${x} missing on server
    var x += 1
    if (${x} == ${last}) {
        pause 1000   # Wait for 1 second
print ${x} files were downloaded

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