

The include statement is used to combine Transcript task files together




The include statement is used to combine two or more task files into a single script prior to commencement of execution.

Before executing a task file, Transcript analyses the script and processes all the include statements. Wherever an include statement is encountered, the specified taskfile is read from disk and inserted into the script in place of the include statement itself.

Command placement

As with most statements, include must occupy a single line of its own in the script.

Additional notes

The taskfile argument is treated as relative to <basedir>/system/config/transcript/.

Multiple files may be included in a task file and any included file may include other files but a check is done to ensure that no infinite include loops are generated.


Given the following two files in /system/config/transcript/ ...

# FILE 1: myscript.trs
option loglevel = DEBUGX

# import usage data from csp
import "system\extracted\AzureCSP\${dataDate}_csp_usage.csv" source CSP alias Usage
default dset csp.usage
rename column resource_id to meter_id

include import_customers.trs

option overwrite = no
set resource_subcategory to Generic
create column interval value individually
create mergedcolumn service_name separator " - " from resource_name resource_subcategory region
# etc ...
# FILE 2: import_customers.trs
import "system\extracted\AzureCSP\${dataDate}_csp_customers.csv" source CSP alias Customers
rename column CSP.Customers.ID to customer_id

Prior to execution the pre-processor will combine these into the single memory-resident Transcript task:

# FILE 1: myscript.trs
option loglevel = DEBUGX

# import usage data from csp
import "system\extracted\AzureCSP\${dataDate}_csp_usage.csv" source CSP alias Usage
default dset csp.usage
rename column resource_id to meter_id

# FILE 2: import_customers.trs
import "system\extracted\AzureCSP\${dataDate}_csp_customers.csv" source CSP alias Customers
rename column CSP.Customers.ID to customer_id

option overwrite = no
set resource_subcategory to Generic
create column interval value individually
create mergedcolumn service_name separator " - " from resource_name resource_subcategory region
# etc ...

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