Exivity can be installed in your on premise data center using the provided installer. You can automatically deploy it using the silent installation command line options. But you may also execute it as a interactive installer.
Before you can install Exivity, you'll need the following:
A system that complies with the Exivity minimal system requirements
The Exivity software installation executable
A valid Exivity license key
If you need help on fulfilling one or more of the above requirements, please get in contact with our support department.
Interactive installation
To install Exivity interactively, execute the provided setup executable. Then follow the instructions on screen:
Provide a valid license key
Pick a folder to install the Exivity program Files
Pick a folder that Exivity will use to save its configuration, extraction and reporting files. This is called the Exivity home directory
Provide the TCP port for the Exivity API (default: 8002)
Provide the TCP port for the Exivity GUI (default: 8001)
Choose a admin
After the installer completes, you can automatically start it.
Silent Installation
To execute a silent installation, consider the following command line parameters:
<setup>.exe /S /EXIVITY_PROGRAM_PATH=[path] /EXIVITY_HOME_PATH=[path] /ADMIN_USER=[user] /ADMIN_PASSWORD=[password]
<setup>.exe /S /EXIVITY_PROGRAM_PATH="C:\Program Files\Exivity\program" /EXIVITY_HOME_PATH=D:\Exivity\home /ADMIN_USER=master /ADMIN_PASSWORD=P@ssword
Upgrading your installation of Exivity is very simple and fast:
Manually upgrade
Execute the setup executable. It will detect the installed version of Exivity, and will automatically upgrade when you click Next
Silent upgrade
When executing <setup>.exe /S
, your existing installation will be automatically upgraded.
Installing a valid SSL certificate
Exivity comes standard with an insecure self signed SSL certificate. It is therefore highly recommended to replace the default certificate with an official one, signed by your Certificate Authority. To install a signed certificate, follow this procedure:
Download the 32 bit version of openssl.exe from https://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html, and install this tool on the Exivity server
Use the openssl.exe executable to generate a valid key file on the Exivity server by executing the following command:
C:\TEMP>c:\location\to\openssl.exe genrsa -out exivity.key 4096
Then run the following command to create a certificate signing request file:
C:\TEMP>c:\location\to\openssl.exe req -new -key exivity.key -out exivity.csr
You will be asked to enter general information like company name, city, etc. However, it is important to include the FQDN of the Exivity server when asked for:
'Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []'
NOTE: when asked, it is required to not provide a password (leave this field empty and press return), otherwise the Exivity application will not be able to use your certificate.
The generated CSR file should be send to your Certificate Authority. After processing by your CA, you shoud receive back a .crt file. Rename this file to exivity.crt and copy it, together with your exivity.key file, in your
. This should overwrite the existing key and crt filesNow restart the
Exivity Web Service
Windows service, and your signed certificate should now be active.
Configuring a separate web server portal
In some cases it might be desirable to separate the webserver from the backend components. This can be achieved by installing two separate Exivity instances. One instance could be placed in a DMZ, and the second instance would then typically be deployed within a local network as shown in the following diagram:
To achieve this goal, first install Exivity on both nodes using the standard procedure described here. After installing the Exivity software on the system that should become the User Portal, create the following file in the directory%EXIVITY_PROGRAM_PATH%/server/nginx/conf/sites-enabled
Make sure to replace HOSTNAME_BACKEND_PORTAL
with the actual hostname or IP address of the system that serves as your Exivity Backend Portal.
The second item that requires configuration is the config.json
in the %EXIVITY_PROGRAM_PATH%/web/glass
directory on the User Portal:
with the actual hostname or IP address of the system that serves as your Exivity User Portal. In case the User Portal should be accessible from the internet, you will need to ensure to provide the fully qualified domain of the User Portal.
Once you have applied these changes, restart the Exivity Web Service
Windows services. You should now be able to access your Exivity User Portal.
Last updated
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