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Exivity allows you to configure a number of system variables easily, such as:
custom logo, branding and color schema
currency and decimal values
date format
fiscal year
custom css
To change these and other settings, follow the instructions provided in this document.
To apply custom branding to the Glass interface, use the 'Administration' > 'Configuration' menu, and then select the 'Branding' tab:
The following GUI adjustments can be done:
Provide your custom product name
Change the logo as show at the left top part of the screen. The rectangular logo that says "Exivity" by default
Change the square logo at the top left part of the screen. Next to the brand logo that says "Exivity" by default
Change the favicon as shown in your browser favorites bar
Change the GUI default color using the drop down list.
If you want to change other colors, font types and other CSS specific parts of the GUI that are not listed in this menu, you can use the 'Show Advanced' button, to add custom CSS code
Click the 'Save' button to apply your changes/
To change country specific formatting or decimal rounding, use the 'Administration' > 'Configuration' menu, and select the 'Branding' tab:
The following changes to the formatting can be done:
Change the system wide Currency settings
Configure comma or dot value for the decimal separator
If you want to configure a thousands separator, you can choose between comma, dot and space
Rate precision refers to the amount of decimal values shown on reports for the (average) rate value
The Report precision can be changed to limit the number of decimal values shown on non-invoice reports
The Invoice precision can be changed to limit the number of decimal values shown on invoice cost reports
The quantity decimal values can be limited using Quantity precision
To apply a system wide date format, choose your preferred date format from the Date format drop down list
To change reporting settings, such as the address lines and logo on your invoice report, use the 'Administration' > 'Configuration' menu, and select the 'Reporting' tab:
The following changes to the reporting configuration can be done:
Use the Address lines text field to provide a custom address which will be shown on the textual invoice cost reports
To change the Logo that will be shown on the right hand side of your invoice cost report, use Select File to browse and select your custom logo
A custom footer text can be added to your invoice report using the text field next to Extra text
To adjust the maximum amount of series shown in the Exivity graphical report line graphs, change the value for Maximum graph series
If you have a non-standard fiscal year start, you may change the Reporting start month using the provided drop down list
Use the Save button to apply your changes
Exivity is able to send out e-mail messages for certain tasks. This can be used for resetting user account passwords and sending out events such as failing workflows. To enable this functionality it is required to configure an SMTP server. This can be done using the following procedure:
Navigate to: Administration > System > Environment
Ensure to fill in your SMTP server details as shown in above image
Click the Update button to save your changes
If you now logout and try to login again, you will notice a "Reset Password" link. This can be used by all of your users, as long as a valid e-mail address has been associated to each user account
Make sure that your SMTP server allows relaying using the provided credentials (user/pass) and from the Exivity host's IP address. Consult your mail server administrator for additional information.
In order to access advanced configuration for all users which can't currently be modified through the interface, edit the file config.json
in the web/glass
subdirectory of the Program directory.
The default contents of this file should look like this:
When logging in, users have the option to change the API domain by clicking the Change domain
In order to specify a default for all users, edit the config.json
file and add your default domain as the apiHost
To never show any Exivity related branding in the interface, set the whiteLabel
option to true
When the whiteLabel option is enabled, certain functionality will be disabled in the GUI:
Manual clearing of caches on the About page.
Documentation links in the header will be turned off.
Some other elements in the interface have Exivity branding by default. These defaults can be modified to match your brand:
The title and logo of the application (displayed in browser tabs, sidebar, and so on) can be changed on the Configuration page.
The sender e-mail address and name for system and notification e-mails on the System page.