
The functionality described in this article is not yet available. This notice will be removed when the appropriate release is made.

The gunzip statement is used to inflate a GZIP file


gunzip filename as filename

gunzip {bufferName} as filename


The gunzip statement can be used to extract the contents of a GZIP archive containing a single file. The GZIP archive may be a file on disk or may be the contents of a named buffer.

It is not possible to inflate GZIP data directly in memory, but the same effect can be achieved by extracting GZIP data in a named buffer to disk, and then loading the extracted data back into the named buffer as shown in the example below.


# Download an archive and extract it into a named buffer
buffer archivedata = http GET http://server/archived.csv.gz
gunzip {archivedata} as system/extracted/extracted.csv
buffer archivedata = FILE system/extracted/extracted.csv

# Download an archive and extract it to disk, automatically deriving the
# output filename from the input filename based on the .gz extension
var save_path = system/extracted
var archivefile = extracted.csv.gz
set http save_file ${save_path}/${archivefile}

match csv_name "(.*)\.gz$" ${filename}
if (${csv_name.STATUS} != MATCH) {
    print WARNING: Downloaded file does not end in .gz and will not be extracted
} else {
    gunzip "${save_path}/${archivefile}" as "${save_path}/${csv_name.RESULT}"
    print Extracted file: "${save_path}/${csv_name.RESULT}"

Last updated

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